

Beeep boop babop. Cookie Bot is gin-ger-bread cook-ie o-ver a me-tal en-do-skel-le-ton. Cookie Bot has all the ben-e-fits of be-ing a ro-bot, plus I am de-lici-ous. The cra-zy thing a-bout me is, I love eat-ing cook-ies. How whack is that? Cookie Bot is da pimp-in-est ro-bot in da moth-er-freak-in hiz-ouse. …Read the Rest

Purple Robot is Cool

Purple Robot is Cool

Great Submission….We love it.  Does it really get better than this.  It’s a robot, its purple, it’s got a dome …Read the Rest

Great Cookie, Great Robot, but not A Robot Cookie

Great Cookie, Great Robot, but not A Robot Cookie

Great Cookie, Great Robot, but not a Robot Cookie. Should win something, but not the grand prize. Cant wait to …Read the Rest

Red Robot; looking for the Milk
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Red Robot; looking for the Milk

Well, its not a cookie, but it is a robot.  While it probably won’t win a robot cookie contest, it …Read the Rest

RD-D2, in the House
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RD-D2, in the House

Do I get any credit for putting together Star_Wars cookies,  I did this last year for my kids Birthday Party; …Read the Rest

First Cookie, More to Come
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First Cookie, More to Come

 I made a great cookie, mostly out of gingerbread.  I used different color frosting too!!